home care tv advertising

Home Care TV Advertising

This home care TV advertising client wanted something unique. They didn’t want another commercial with the typical happy elderly person smiling. For that reason, we suggested that we create a jingle to help people remember the name of the company. As a result, we hired a professional singer and musicians to create the jingle which sings the company name. Consequently, you can’t watch this commercial without getting that jingle stuck in your head. Creating a jingle for a TV commercial isn’t that unique. Therefore, we did something else to make it very different from the competition. What we did to make this TV commercial different is that we let the actresses act without speaking. Then she finally speaks at the end of the commercial. As a result, we created a commercial that appeals to the emotions of the viewer while explaining the services the company offers without speaking.

TV Commercial Production

We asked the client who hires them, male or female, the person that needs assistance or the children of the one that needs assistance. Next, we asked about the reasons people hire them. As a result, we made certain that the commercial touches on all the reasons you might need their assistance. You’ll see the adult children thanking the caregiver for all of her help near the end of the commercial. Our client explained that it is the adult children that call for help most of the time.

The client informed us that many people have pets and they are concerned about finding a caregiver that will like their pet.  Consequently, we made it look like even the dog loves their caregivers! We accomplished this by having the caregiver look at the elderly woman and say and repeat out loud, “I have a treat for Ruby”. Naturally, this caused the dog, Ruby to look at the caregiver and wag her tail. Additionally, we show the caregiver helping with grocery shopping. Other important tasks we showed are, going for a walk, reaching for objects on a high shelf and getting ready for bed.

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