audiovisual business card design

Audiovisual Business Card Design

This audiovisual business card design required us to first explain to the owners why we had to change their logo. The old logo (they made it themselves) looked like a royal blue pill with the company name inside. Unfortunately, the new logo would require our client to change the sign on their building and on all of their trucks, not just their business cards. Consequently, making a decision to a logo for an established company is not a simple thing.

Branding – Marketing – Advertising

This company based in Chicago hired us to handle all of their branding, marketing, and advertising. The reason we began with a change to their logo was that everything else would use the logo. Consequently, once they saw the new logo they realized how much better it was than their old. Additionally, we used the “barn doors” used on stage lights as a design element in the logo. We have used the logo on their new letterhead, business cards, envelopes, brochures, trucks, building, and a website.

Printing Options

We decided to make a two-sided business card design. Also, when we design cards we can use spot colors or CMYK colors. Optionally, when spot colors are used the gray and yellow inks could be premixed guaranteeing the correct color. Conversely, when CMYK colors are used it comes out close but can’t be guaranteed.

Interestingly, most of the time CMYK colors are being used even though spot colors are more accurate. We have to consider all of the ways the logo will be used and the cost of printing. For example, this logo has two different grays and one yellow. Additionally, if we printed this as a spot color project then it would be a less expensive 3-color print. Conversely, CMYK printing which uses four colors would result in one additional color being used. The problem is that when we make brochures we would be forced to use CMYK printing because photos will be in the brochure.

Printing Costs

If we use 3 spot colors for the logo and CMYK for the photos we’d end up with a 7-color print job. Most print shops can do four to six color print jobs. The other option would be to do the business cards in the 3 spot colors and do the entire brochure in CMYK colors. That option would create a new problem in which the logo on the business cards wouldn’t match the logo on the brochures.

Please contact us about any advertising services.