Cinema advertising can be very helpful for some businesses. We custom design your 15-second cinema ad and we can place it in almost any theater in the country. A benefit of cinema advertising is that we have a captive audience. Consequently, the people are seated in chairs facing forward and they are going to see your commercial. Additionally, they can’t change the channel, they have to watch the commercial. The cost to advertise in a movie theater is fairly similar all around the country. As a result, you can expect the cost to typically around $30-$35 per screen, per week. This means that if a theater has 10 screens then your cost would be $30 per week X 10 screens = $300 per week.
Movie Theater Advertising
There is also a cost to produce the commercial and that can be several hundred dollars and up. It will depend on how involved the 15-second spot will be. We are also able to coordinate with almost any theater in the country some handout materials. Your handouts would be given out along with the theater tickets. Someone could buy a ticket for a show and get your advertisement handed to them with the ticket. In addition to that, we are able to arrange for you to have a table set up in the lobby. At this table, you or your employees could hand out literature or free product samples. The movie theater lobby also has TV monitors. While people are standing in line to buy snacks at the cinema we can show your 15-second spot on those monitors too!
Online Advertising
There are many websites and smartphone apps that allow you to read about movies and watch trailers for movies. We can run your movie theater advertising on those apps and websites. We can target the moviegoers before they get to the theater and once they are there. When they get to the cinema you can be at a table handing out flyers or samples, then they see your 15-second commercial on the lobby screens (video only, no audio) then once they are seated inside they hear and see your 15-second spot.
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