marketing ideas

The first challenge for any business is staying profitable. That’s different from making just enough to pay operating expenses with a little left over. Marketing can make the difference between survival and prosperity.

Marketing Brings Profitability

Effective marketing strategies help make businesses successful. If your marketing efforts aren’t working as well as you’d like, it may be time to try something new. You may find one or all of the following marketing ideas useful in making your brand name more popular or breaking through to a new demographic.

1. Commission Local Art or Sponsor Public Works

Getting your company name attached to a highly visible piece of public art or mentioned alongside facilities used by the public can increase brand awareness. An eye-catching mural, for example, with your company name tastefully displayed, can quickly become a local landmark. Public facilities like mobility ramps, boat ramps, and parks may be used by thousands of people every day. That’s a lot of eyeballs!


2. Sponsor A Caption Contest

Get a funny picture (that you have full rights to use) and run a captioning contest. Offer a good prize. Request useful data from contestants when they enter, so you can boost your contact list. This can be as easy as asking if they are local, a homeowner, or if they rent, for example.

This method works best in conjunction with online platforms, but you can do it offline as well. Use a picture that is unusual or funny enough to make people notice.

3. Author An eBook

marketing ideas

If you are an expert in a skill or business, or have access to experts, consider producing a short ebook that covers an important or useful topic. If creating the ebook is beyond your skills, there are ghostwriters and many online services that can help. Make your topic useful and buzzworthy. Done properly, this method can give your brand legs.

4. Promote A Mystery Scavenger Hunt

Mysteries draw people who want a challenge. Hunting or scavenging for clues placed around your area, online, or both can be a great way to increase your visibility. As always, make the reward worth the trouble of solving the mystery. Clues for players might be placed around town, in diners and stores, or written in a secret code that requires a translation sheet or decoder glasses. There are countless ways this method can be used to increase brand awareness.

5. Donate Material & Supplies

Schools, libraries, animal shelters, and similar institutions are often looking for donations. Many have specific requirements. If your company or business can help fulfill these needs, your brand or product may benefit from a boost in visibility. Make sure your donations match the organization’s requirements by following all applicable standards, rules, and regulations.


6. Start A Podcast

start a podcast

Could your business provide material for a consistent series of podcast episodes? If so, take advantage of this format and get your brand mentioned as much as you can in an informative and entertaining podcast.

7. Target An Unusual Holiday

There are all sorts of holidays that no one ever talks about. Many regions have local, area-only festivals and celebrations. These can be a gold mine for local businesses and services. Your company can make it a thing, and your business name can get more recognizable every year.


Be Noticed!

Most companies profit from increased visibility, but not every marketing idea is right for every company. Marketing efforts that match your business profile and customer demographic are likely your best bet, but sometimes doing something unusual can pay off. Try something new and different, and you may discover a way to increase your company’s bottom line.